Mars geodynamo had been reactivated in the past 75 years to deflect cosmic rays via use of Molten Metals, Convection and Rotation but the atmosphere, cloud cover and unfiltered radiation were still dangerously unstable to human habitation outside of their protective suits and protective buildings. Hence the need for more advanced radiation protocols from science were demanded and given.
Alien protective skin technology had been re-engineered and utilized.
“You mean to tell me all of those strangely mutilated cows bodies found abandoned in fields were the starting point of this technology?” Allie had asked of her new friend, the only other woman on the mission, Pauline aka “Robin”.
“Well way, way back in 1998, Apligraf was developed in Canton, Massachusetts by Organogenisis,” Pauline had told her. “In those early days it was done via harvesting the subjects own skin, post-circumcision human neonatal foreskin and bovine collagen.”
She went on to tell Allie that Alloderm (LifeCell Corporation) Woodlands, Texas had then further created a skin that didn’t decry immunology or cause rejection. Then the newer generation of Apligraf was further developed where the skin was not external: it had become part of the body as a long term solution: but that still had taken sixty days to grow and fuse into the human skin cells.
“Today it will only take ten days to genetically engineer to our body skin,” Pauline said reassuringly.
“And we will be a blue color,” she further added aside.
“Will it fade away when we return to Earth?” Allie asked as she shuddered.
However Pauline was already walking out of the medical unit and away from her so she returned to watch as the doctor started the last procedures on her skin that would protect her from excess radiation..........(c) CBJ “To tAmbl,wi:D”