Saturday, December 31, 2011

When Tears Fall............

Tears on the wind

Whisper with the wind

Gently mouthing words

Rippling past my lips


Echoes the tear drops

Softly deepens within

Trickles down ears


Clash of thunder rolls

Loudly beats my heart

Livens my vibrations



Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Another Angel went.....Winging her way Home


You know when an angel touches your heart

Usually when you least expect it to happen

Suddenly they are right there beside you.

And that presence fills up your soul

With a complete utter happiness.

There was no rhyme or reason knowingly

For Angels to come in your life right then

But quietly your heart murmurs names.

Then they are there and you feel

Very enriched by that closeness.

So have you ever been touched by an angel

Brushed lightly by softy downy feathers

In the wind as they move around you.

Your heart lifts beating with love

And total happiness in response.

At once they have charged you with energy

As love and light fills your body and soul

Sometimes they move on and away.

Passing as ships in the night of life

But you are never the same again.

My beloved Lady whom I gladly called a friend

You filled my heart with such pure love and care

I was bound to you for as long as you walked.

But in passing you gently tug strings

From me left in this earthly life.

In my heart I am grateful for having known you

For a short time you filled my life lovingly

My days were so filled with your smiles.

You shared your loving unconditionally

Through our busy virtual internet

Yes I have met a beloved angel here on earth

Distinctly knowing it when we first hugged I

Fell in love/friend/family with you forever.

Now waving goodbye my heart is heavy

Till we meet again my beloved angel.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Meditations of a Tree

Meditations of a Tree

Oooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm …………………..

Going within myself to find the peace that I cannot find without

To that place of no pain no strain and no involvement with life.

I am no longer a tree bound to the earth standing stock still

I am a free spirit soaring far above the clouds bathed in the sun

Feeling the warmth surrounding me, cosseting and comforting me.

Oooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm …………………..


Thursday, June 16, 2011


"Your journey is not my journey, but we may share a moment in time and walk side by side and our hearts may beat in unison for that short pause" (c)CBJ

Monday, June 6, 2011



Sh-h! Si-len-ce

Whisper no word no sigh.

Red turmoil screaming


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Be Aware............

A nation of sheep will get a government of wolves.
 - Edward R. Murrow

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Look for me...............

When I am Gone

Look for me in the soft summer breezes

In zephyrs running through sweet grass,

As my orange glow fingers trail the sky

Let slip a burning fiery red ball on dusk.

Listen to my sighs from high tall timbers

Down through swaying green boughs,

While steadfast stones hold my essence

That once was spirit turned lately to dust.

Feel on your skin kisses of my tears caress

Within that new mist of fresh fallen rain,

Our heart beat resounds together in sync 

As my love enfolding encompasses all.

Find me in the pauses those quiet moments

Before storms arrive raging through the sky,

In the darkest night sky illuminated by stars

In the clearest canopy stretched out above.

I shall be there when the tempest break

In Banshee’s frenzy of wild roaring winds,

As lightening rending black velvet nights

Electrifying and binding our souls delight.

I have not left you my sweet hearts delight

For I am with you always and for everlasting,

My love binds tightly to your spirit in eternity

Our pathways flow through the ages of time.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

KIZUNA ... Fiction for Japan

"Yara-Ma-Yha-Who" is a story that I wrote for KIZUNA (Fiction for Japan) anthology. This is to help raise funds for the Red Cross to use for the recovery of Japan and her devastated peoples.

Book Release

Rising of the Ancients...Another in our ongoing series of Lovecraftian chapbooks. Here we have interlinked stories set in and around ancient Egypt.

  • Endless
  • The Crawling Mist
  • War Preparations
  • War Crown of Nyarlathotep
  • Rising of the Ancients
  • The Calling
  • Stirring Soul and Blood

A Rainfall Publication RAIN102