You know when an angel touches your heart
Usually when you least expect it to happen
Suddenly they are right there beside you.
And that presence fills up your soul
With a complete utter happiness.
There was no rhyme or reason knowingly
For Angels to come in your life right then
But quietly your heart murmurs names.
Then they are there and you feel
Very enriched by that closeness.
So have you ever been touched by an angel
Brushed lightly by softy downy feathers
In the wind as they move around you.
Your heart lifts beating with love
And total happiness in response.
At once they have charged you with energy
As love and light fills your body and soul
Sometimes they move on and away.
Passing as ships in the night of life
But you are never the same again.
My beloved Lady whom I gladly called a friend
You filled my heart with such pure love and care
I was bound to you for as long as you walked.
But in passing you gently tug strings
From me left in this earthly life.
In my heart I am grateful for having known you
For a short time you filled my life lovingly
My days were so filled with your smiles.
You shared your loving unconditionally
Through our busy virtual internet
Yes I have met a beloved angel here on earth
Distinctly knowing it when we first hugged I
Fell in love/friend/family with you forever.
Now waving goodbye my heart is heavy
Till we meet again my beloved angel.
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